Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Before you ever sign up or commit to a business or company, you should do your research to see if it is a good and SMART choice for you, your life and your FUTURE. Don't just take your uplines word for what a great product or business it is, look in to it by seeking other current and past sellers. Find out how many reps or consultants the business keeps and how many leave for lack of sales or business. These things will help you decide if this is something you want to become committed to.
The best and maybe most important thing you can do for your business (starting out or 10 yrs in) is to EDUCATE YOURSELF. There are literally so many free avenues to gather information on how to sell, where to sell and who to sell to that there is no need to throw money down the drain when you are first starting out! Use free tools and programs until you are successful enough to afford  paid programs. Be sure you then RESEARCH the ones you come across that you have not had the option to try for free. We've built the WFHC on free, you can too!
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Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Online Events-Tips in Tricks

If you are entering the world of online sales you are bound to run into 'online events' on Facebook if not other social media platforms.

They are set up and run in various different ways, some claim to pay for advertising of the event, others are free.

The main idea for anyone in sales it to MAKE sales, however you should NOT go into an online event EXPECTING sales.. you will be disappointed. Sales do not come easy, no matter where they come from and especially when you are first starting out . 

As a 'sales person' you will have to realize there are often many steps to gaining a new and loyal customer or sale. Online and Offline events CAN help further your goals when 'worked' appropriately. For example, you will have more success as a vendor who talks with passerby's then one who sits flipping through a magazine while people walk past. 

 In this guide we are going to focus on what you can do as a vendor to attract more people to you and help the event you are participating in be successful, making sure you leave the event with a feeling of accomplishment rather than disappointment. WFHC sponsored events are different than most others you will come across currently but these tips can be applied to most any online event. 

The event guest list


 All Facebook events have this little treat in them. The GUEST LIST.

 When you click on the links you can see each person "going, interested or invited" and you are able to connect with them. If you run through the lists sending friend requests or 'buy my stuff / join my team' messages, you are going to go out of business fast. You want to use these links to build your 'support network'. The network of people who will WANT to support you, share your posts, stop to chat and purchase when ever they have the extra bucks. All because they LIKE you more than the product ;) (or at least just as much)

You can find people you have things in common with by taking a quick look at their profile. If you think you can make a connection with this person, simply send them a message telling them you saw them in the event or accidentally clicked on their profile but saw you had abcd in common and wanted to connect. Building your network and 'contacts' is a vital part of growing your business. Consider new contacts a 'successful' occurrence in the event.

Don't be the 'sales guy / gal' 


How does it feel when you walk into a store and the sales person is following you around asking you how they can help you ? Or maybe just staring at you from across an isle the entire time you look around, immediately running over when you hover more than 10 seconds at an item?
  As a sales person yourself, you understand. As a buyer, you are put off. You develop a dislike for the PERSON because of their behavior. The behavior that said, "I don't really care about you as a person or what brought you here today. All I really care about is getting that next sale, that next dollar".

If it is me in this scenario, I simply move on to the next store, to be honest! So the first thing you need to do is 'build people'. (It's those connections, those 'people who will build your business).  Be a likable person, reach out and interact with the other vendors in the event as well as people 'liking' your ads.Try to build a conversation and relationship. People will then ASK YOU what you do or what you sell and THEY WILL CARE!

Let shoppers and lookers know who you are.


In a online event it is important to get your personality out there even more than your product. The best way to this is by interacting with other posts and vendors in the event. And think about this for a minute, if you are a shopper, coming into a event like this for the first time, knowing noone or a couple of people.. are you going to feel comfortable purchasing
from this person? Who has 0 interaction on her ad...

            Or this person who seems to have other people interested as well? Who has a bit of their personality on display for you...? 

Facebook likes you to interact too!

It's not just for looks either! Facebook decides what people find important by how much interaction is happening and where. Simply put, the more interaction in a event or on a post, the more of your 'friends' news feeds it will reach! So in short, remember to leave 'reply's' under the comments of the other vendors items and ads. Remember, in our events this is not a competition but a friendly 'mall or flea market' atmosphere where we all support and help each other. This will lead to shopper 'trust' and more sales. 

Be sure to be interesting and helpful as well as pitch your products. Post things that you would use or find interesting to your everyday life, things others might share. Use these events to build your connections and your sales will grow as well. A successful event might not always hold a sale, but it SHOULD hold new connections that will ultimately lead to sales. 

There are no magic steps to success, no over night riches. Only a long, hard, satisfying road of YOUR hard work paying off for YOU and YOUR family, not someone else.. If you do things the right way, if you don't have to learn the hard way, the long way.. You can become successful faster...

Be a remembered vendor in any event you attend ;) If you visit the event, leave your link, click like on a post or two, and maybe leave a one word comment.. you are probably NOT going to fair very well. Online work is HARDER than in person work in most cases. This is due to the amount of time required to really get your name or ad circulating on the internet. Time will be your biggest investment in your new business. 

For more tips n tricks, subscribe to our news letter here.

For WFHC sponsored events, we normally have a 'early bird' drawing in which we do not allow vendors to participate.. This means every single person participating in that thread is a potential contact for YOU, the vendor. Reply to their comment, thank them for coming to the event, ask them if there is anything you can help them with. Try to gain that 'foot' into what makes you like them...... connect..  

Thursday, September 22, 2016

For those with beginners experience, moving forward

In the beginning Part 2

Personal branding and multiple streams of income

So I’ve got the groups, I’ve got the capture page or some way to gather leads, I am networking to build relationships and I am now ready for MORE..
More sales, more knowledge, more success

Let’s move on to multiple streams of income and personal branding of yourself… It becomes a bit harder for me to put together a ‘bulk’ how to, as each of your situations are unique and It is best to reach out to me for a one on one chat.. But here goes ;)

Keep in mind you can build a website to do basically the same thing we are about to walk you through with a blog. We feel a blog has a better search engine result right off the get go where as a website can sometimes be harder to get traffic to.

After you have gotten of to a good beginning path with your business, you have laid the groundwork for your empire by preparing yourself with some of the tools  and skills you will need to build a following of people who actually CARE about what you say and sell or support! This following is KEY to your success in ANY business..

Your next task is figuring out what about YOU people like best. Do you give good advice? Are you a good cook? Do you have great people skills or children connections? Use these every day strengths to build your ‘brand’.

You want to attract people to you. Offer free helpful information that people can use in their business or everyday life. For instance, If you are a stay at home mom you have plenty to use for ‘content’. Write a short paragraph about whatever trouble one of your kids gave you today, then google ‘advice’ for it and share the link for others. Is cooking your passion? Then offer recipes and food advice, , google content if you need to, just always give credit where it is due, never copy and paste another persons words as your own! For one on one help, join the club..

We recommend Blogger at this point to get started building and sharing your brand. Your main blog will be your ‘brand’ blog where you ‘reel’ everyone in with your awesome FREE content. You will want to create separate pages or blogs for your product/s and or services but link these to your main brand page.

While building your ‘free’ content, link keywords to your product or service pages.. For example, if your brand has to do with the home and you sell Clever Container, use the word ‘organization’ in your writing and link it to YOUR product page or blog for Clever Container.

You will focus your sharing to that main page where ALL of your other stuff is linked and easily accessible, plus you will have those little ‘leads’ in the content you are writing (the links of the keywords back to your product page or blog) Again, for one on one help, join the club ;) .
NOTE** You will share your main 'brand' blog all over as you did your capture page or contests in part 1. You should continue joining groups and include those that would benefit your brand. For example, if you are using a 'cooking' brand, join recipe groups, stay at home mom groups, PTA groups etc..
Stay tuned for part 3
100% profits

For beginners just starting to sell online

"In the beginning" A getting started guide for online selling.

The online marketers basic starting plan....

Part 1.




This business plan is designed for those entering into the crazy world of online sales. Specifically those in D.S (Direct Sales). There are certain steps you can take to help ensure your businesses success..

At this point we are assuming you have either signed up to sell a product for a company like Avon or Tupperware or you have something of your own to offer as a product or service..

You can apply these steps to a social profile like a Facebook Page or a website.

Step 1
Facebook is still the most popular and widely used social app out there so YES It is still a great avenue for reaching people with your message. One of the first things you should do when you start out on this new sellers journey is to join many Facebook groups.. And I mean MANY as in 10 - 20 daily for your first 30 days.
Search for;
networking, work from home groups (with less than 5000 members), business, help wanted, promote as keywords for the groups you are looking for. Also look for groups that focus around your business niche.

Step 2
You will need a way to gather contact information for follow ups and emailing / postal campaigns. If you think you can get by without gathering contacts and just picking up sales by posting  your website.. your success will be short lived..
You can ‘capture’ contacts with a capture page or a contest that gathers contestants information

Step 3
Gather your contacts
Post your new capture page or contest in all those groups you’ve been joining, on your wall and any other social platforms you might use.  

A couple of notes
Make sure you are tailoring your posts to the type of groups you are posting in. If you are in a ‘work from home’ group you will want to post about your business opportunity as well as your products, if you are in a jewelry group, post images of the jewelry you have available and ask people what their thoughts on the item are. Take the time to read the description of the group and the pinned post if there is one. This will save you a ton of headache and wasted posts.

Step 4
Reaching out to your new contacts
You will now have a name and email address (at least in most cases) that can be used to contact your prospect. We suggest using your personal email server to send personal emails when you are first starting out an upgrading to an automated system once you are too busy to keep up.

Note * use Facebook for personal relationship building. Don’t spam people with your information to much there with personal messages, tags etc.. When you are contacting a prospect on Facebook, you do not want them to feel like a ‘sale’ but more like a potential friend. Form relationships and your business will grow as a result.

Use your emails to build these relationships as well but include a signature or a little piece of business/product information in each one.

Step 5
Set up a series of emails that will help you sort out your clients from your potential clients and cold leads.
Start with a ‘Hello My Name is” or other type of introduction email

Hello xyz, we spoke on Facebook in the abc group! I really like whatever you posted about or what we chatted about. ...

Hello xyz, you filled out my form to receive more information on abc...

Hello xyz, you participated in my contest for abc…

I”m really thankful we got the time to chat and connect. I value the friendship we are building here is the information  you requested…

I thought you might also be interested in this opportunity like I was

If you enjoyed the contest you might also enjoy this ..

This will open a door or close one.. They will reply and you can keep the conversation going, hopefully close a deal or sale. They may not reply at all, in this case try 3 more times personally and then sort them as a ‘cold’ lead and do not focus your time there. You will add them to a mailing list in the future to receive specials and offers automatically.

Always remember to make sure those that do reply,  understand that your newly formed friendship is much more important than any sale they might bring you. In fact it actually IS since word of mouth advertising really IS the BEST advertising you can receive.

For more tips in tricks join the CLUB
You can also join our newbies group on Facebook

WFHC video training for online sellers

Thank you for visiting the WFHCs (Work From Home Club) training blog. In this blog you will find a compilation of our business coaches teachings for online businesses. Please read the descriptions to see if they are of interest to you and then view and or read at your leisure! We hope you find these little how-to's and tips helpful in some aspect and we are always available to help with anything you might need. We are a donations based program and will do our best to help you regardless of your financial situation. We want to see each and every business owner be successful!

All our You Tube videos

Branding YOURSELF, not your company, 100% profits (I will be creating a elaborated 100% profits video/training soon)

Networking and connections building outside of network marketing.

First live 'hang out/ question answer session' Shauna answers group posting question as well as some other useful information.

"Be You" video tip from April Brand

Video Marketing tips from Shauna (she says 'bugger' not the other word it may sound like ;) )