Thursday, September 22, 2016

For those with beginners experience, moving forward

In the beginning Part 2

Personal branding and multiple streams of income

So I’ve got the groups, I’ve got the capture page or some way to gather leads, I am networking to build relationships and I am now ready for MORE..
More sales, more knowledge, more success

Let’s move on to multiple streams of income and personal branding of yourself… It becomes a bit harder for me to put together a ‘bulk’ how to, as each of your situations are unique and It is best to reach out to me for a one on one chat.. But here goes ;)

Keep in mind you can build a website to do basically the same thing we are about to walk you through with a blog. We feel a blog has a better search engine result right off the get go where as a website can sometimes be harder to get traffic to.

After you have gotten of to a good beginning path with your business, you have laid the groundwork for your empire by preparing yourself with some of the tools  and skills you will need to build a following of people who actually CARE about what you say and sell or support! This following is KEY to your success in ANY business..

Your next task is figuring out what about YOU people like best. Do you give good advice? Are you a good cook? Do you have great people skills or children connections? Use these every day strengths to build your ‘brand’.

You want to attract people to you. Offer free helpful information that people can use in their business or everyday life. For instance, If you are a stay at home mom you have plenty to use for ‘content’. Write a short paragraph about whatever trouble one of your kids gave you today, then google ‘advice’ for it and share the link for others. Is cooking your passion? Then offer recipes and food advice, , google content if you need to, just always give credit where it is due, never copy and paste another persons words as your own! For one on one help, join the club..

We recommend Blogger at this point to get started building and sharing your brand. Your main blog will be your ‘brand’ blog where you ‘reel’ everyone in with your awesome FREE content. You will want to create separate pages or blogs for your product/s and or services but link these to your main brand page.

While building your ‘free’ content, link keywords to your product or service pages.. For example, if your brand has to do with the home and you sell Clever Container, use the word ‘organization’ in your writing and link it to YOUR product page or blog for Clever Container.

You will focus your sharing to that main page where ALL of your other stuff is linked and easily accessible, plus you will have those little ‘leads’ in the content you are writing (the links of the keywords back to your product page or blog) Again, for one on one help, join the club ;) .
NOTE** You will share your main 'brand' blog all over as you did your capture page or contests in part 1. You should continue joining groups and include those that would benefit your brand. For example, if you are using a 'cooking' brand, join recipe groups, stay at home mom groups, PTA groups etc..
Stay tuned for part 3
100% profits

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