Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Before you ever sign up or commit to a business or company, you should do your research to see if it is a good and SMART choice for you, your life and your FUTURE. Don't just take your uplines word for what a great product or business it is, look in to it by seeking other current and past sellers. Find out how many reps or consultants the business keeps and how many leave for lack of sales or business. These things will help you decide if this is something you want to become committed to.
The best and maybe most important thing you can do for your business (starting out or 10 yrs in) is to EDUCATE YOURSELF. There are literally so many free avenues to gather information on how to sell, where to sell and who to sell to that there is no need to throw money down the drain when you are first starting out! Use free tools and programs until you are successful enough to afford  paid programs. Be sure you then RESEARCH the ones you come across that you have not had the option to try for free. We've built the WFHC on free, you can too!
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